I Latina



I Latina


I Latina’s menu is a mixture of Asian, Mediterranean and Mexican. The menu has transformed over time as it experiments with new dishes every day, but retains the essence of mixing and eclecticity.

I Latina’s dishes are defined by a profound respect for the ingredient. This allows personal, almost intimate creations to come out of the kitchen, born of ingenuity and a play of flavors. The local ingredient is privileged and treated as it deserves: cooking, times, temperature: everything necessary for the result to remain in the memory.

To take a walk around I Latina is to understand the phrase “cuisine made of love”. In addition to the fixed letter, the specials are one of the most fun parts of the adventure. I Latina’s kitchen is a kind of gastronomic laboratory in which it is constantly created, tested, experimented with and proposed. That gives meaning to the restaurant, which maintains that playful spirit of inventiveness.

Location and contact: https://goo.gl/maps/9wHE5QoLLnvHKwz7A

Menú: http://i-latina.mx/cocina.php


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